M.Sc. Physics at the Georg-August University, Göttingen Oct. 2018 - Apr. 2021 Thesis: Dynamics of Mechanical Stresses in Simulations of Growing Rods; final average grade 1.0
B.Sc. Physics at the Georg-August University, Göttingen Oct. 2015 - Sept. 2018 Thesis: Observation and Prediction of complex dynamics using local modelling with a central aspect being algorithm-development in Julia; final average grade 1.2
Abitur at the Gymnasium im Schloss, Wolfenbüttel Aug. 2006 - Jul. 2014 Final average grade 1.0
England, Erasmus Studies Oct. 2019 - Mar. 2020 As a part of my master's, I participated in the Erasmus exchange program and studied one academic year at the University of Cambridge.
Indonesia, Voluntary Service Jan. 2015 - May. 2015 At a middle school on the Island Java, I helped the local English teachers by teaching some of their classes and motivating the students to learn English.
USA, Student Exchange with AFS Aug. 2011 - Jun. 2012 I spent my 10th year of school at an American High School in Chapman, KS, and lived with a host family.
PhD Programme May 2022 - June 2025 I am currently a PhD student supervised by Philip Bittihn and Ramin Golestanian at the MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization. My research focus is on shape formation controlled by growth.
Tutor for Nonlinear Dynamics course Oct. 2020 - Mar. 2022 As part of this tutoring position, I prepared solutions and held tutoring sessions both in WiSe 2020 and WiSe 2021.
Own Research: Prediction of complex spatio-temporal dynamics Sept. 2018 - Sept. 2019 Continued research employed as a HiWi with Prof. Ulrich Parlitz after handing in my bachelor's thesis.
Tutor in a Mentoring-Programme for disadvantaged students Oct. 2017 - Apr. 2019 Assisted individual disadvantaged students and helped them with problems in their studies.
Internship at the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt Nov. 2014 - Dec. 2014 Learned to work with the existing software of a radiation detector and calibrated the device using radioactive sources.
Programming: Excellent knowledge of the Julia programming language with experience in Python, C, and Java in the context of various lectures and project work. Recent work includes the maintenance and development of the Julia software library called JLD2.jl with more than 25k monthly downloads.
Software: Experienced in working with LaTeX, Linux, Git, GitLab CI, Comsol
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent
Arabic - Basics